Permanent Makeup

Lip blushing- Lip blushing is a form of semi permanent make up that involves the deposit of ink into the lips to create a fuller, more defined look. Lip tattooing can also help correct any discoloration to achieve a brighter and consistent color through out your lips.

Eye liner- A subtle enhancement to your lash line, this is perfect for someone looking to create a fuller appearance of their natural lashes. This also helps visually enlarge the eyes and improve the shape. This is ideal for someone with light and sparse natural lashes.

Ombre brows- Ombre brows use a combination of techniques, nano hair stokes and powder shading, this helps to create a full brow with a bit of texture. This service is a great option for those who prefer the look of natural hair stokes but are lacking natural hair in their brow area. Our permanent make up artists Measure each client and customize both brows to create the perfect brow look for you! 

Microblading | Ombre Brows

Microblading is a semi-permanent eyebrow enhancement technique, where though the manual application of inserting pigment into the outer layers of the skin, we are able to imitate individual hair stokes to create your desired eyebrow shape, fullness, and color. The effects can last up to 18 months after which time the pigments fades.

Ombre Brow technique helps to create a fuller, defined shape that mimics the look of make up. This service is good for those who have extremely oily skin and can be used to color correct previous brow tattooing. Each service is completely customized to the shape of ones face.

Touch up is included in initial price when per booked at time of initial service. It is recommended to touch up 4-6 weeks after initial service.

Please Read Pre appointment FAQS to know if you are a good candidate for microblading and ombre brows before booking. Service will be cancelled if there is any discrepancy or pre appointment rules are not followed carefully. This is for the clients own health and safety. 

Microblading Aftercare

Microblading Post Care

  • Keep the brow area clean by using a natural fragrance free gel cleanser and water. (Dial Gold) hands must be freshly clean and avoid using abrasive washcloths or sponges
  • Allow eyebrows to completely air dry before applying ointment
  • Apply after care ointment given (by artist) for a week 3 times a day with freshly washed hands
  • DO NOT RUB,PICK OR SCRATCH THE TREATED AREA. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate
    (Picking can cause infection, scarring and pigment loss!
  • COMPLETELY AVOID direct sun exposure and tanning beds for a minimum of 4 weeks after procedure. Direct sunlight can cause pigment to change colors while it is healing and cause hyper pigmentation and scarring
  • Avoid Pools, Sauna, steam rooms, hot showers and hot baths for 3 weeks
  • Avoid sweating for a full 10 days. Any physical effort, gym, hot weather, any other activities that may cause sweating though or on the brows will expel pigment from the dermis producing poor results
  • Avoid sleeping on face/brows for the first 10 days
  • Keep your bangs and hair pulled back from brows for the first 10 days
  • NO makeup or skincare products to be used on the treated area for 2 weeks
  • NO facials, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks
  • After 10 days once the area has healed completely, consider using sunblock when going out in the sun to stop the color from fading
  • Eyebrow tinting should not be undertaken for 4 weeks after your procedure
  • Avoid Retin-A, chemical peels and microderms around the brows area once healed

NOTE: Eyebrows will appear darker and bolder due to natural scabbing and healing for the first 2 weeks. This is very common for all permanent cosmetic procedures 

Commonly Asked Questions

How Long Does Microblading & Ombre Brows Last?

The effects can last up to 18 months after which time the pigments fades. 

Is It Painful?

There is very little to no pain for even sensitive clients. A topical numbing cream is applied throughout the service to minimize any discomfort. 

Microblading | Ombre Brow Pre Care

  • Do not work out 24 hours before procedure
  • NO alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before procedure
  • Avoid sun and tanning beds 30 days prior to procedure
  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/ibuprofen
  • 24 hours before Procedure
  • Avoid fish oil, prenatal vitamins, and hair skin nail supplements 24 hours before procedure
  • Discontinue Retin-A 4 weeks prior
  • Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products close to the eyebrow area 2 weeks prior to and 2 weeks after your procedure
  • Waxing treatments should be performed no less than 3 days prior to your treatment
  • No brow waxing or tinting 2 weeks before
  • Refrain from mood altering drugs and Thyroid medication for at least 24 hours prior to any procedure
  • Note : You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle

Am I A Good Candidate For Permanent Makeup?

  • Permanent makeup is NOT recommended for any clients who are or have:
  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Sick (cold/flu/etc)
  • Diabetic
  • Viral infections and or any diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • A pacemaker or major heart problems
  • Had an organ transplant
  • Tendency toward keloid scarring
  • Skin irritation, Psoriasis, Eczema or Dermatitis in or around the eyebrow area, rash, sunburn, acne, etc.
  • MRSA- Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
  • Had botox in the past 3 weeks
  • Used Accutane in the past year
  • If you are knowingly under the influence of drugs or any mood altering drugs/medications
  • Have any Thyroid (Hyper/Hypo) related condition that requires any medication (ie: Synthroid) Medications WILL cause the pigment not to retain properly
  • Seborrheic dermatisits
  • Severe Rosacea
  • Super thin/ vascular skin
  • Large pores/oily/severly oily skin (pigment will look more powdered/solid) make sure to talk to artist first
  • Diabetes type I & 2 (prone to slow healing more bleeding and infection
  • If you come in with a tan no sun 30days before and after.
  • Pigment implanted in tan skin will heal darker, appear ashy and will not look like hair strokes
  • Have had laser removal on eyebrows
  • Have upcoming vacations or special occasions planned
  • Allergic to anesthetic (Lidocaine, etc)
  • Had chemical peel in past 60 days

Initial Full Session

Post 2 Week Touch Up

3 Week - 6 Month Touch Up

Touch Up After 1 Year

Questions? Call for details